Tuesday, November 1, 2005

2006 Junior Miss is Inspired By Her Faith

Sunday night I was already half-standing in anticipation as the name of Delaware County’s new Junior Miss, Allison Hatcher, was announced. I have watched Allison grow from a typical, kooky, brace-faced, giggling pre-teen into a graceful, compassionate young woman whose faith is an integral part of her life.

Allison became a Christian when she was four years old and has grown in her faith steadily, although there have been bumps along the way,

“In middle school, my best friends didn’t always share my values, and their influence was not the best for me. I had to break away from them to maintain who I was, and that was very painful. But over time, those issues were resolved, and our friendship was restored in high school.”

At Delta, Allison tries to balance her time between academics, dancing, Honor Society, pep band, drama, church activities and friends. Into that mix came the demanding schedule of Junior Miss rehearsals and activities.

When asked about the pressure of the competition, Allison said, “The scholarship awards were really important to my family, so the stakes were high, but I knew that ultimately, God is in control of my future. The biggest challenge for me was protecting my friendship with two close friends also in the competition. I was praying for balance because each of us wanted to win, but we didn’t want the competition to come between us, and it didn’t.”

Every young girl has just as many unique abilities and traits as the smart, talented contestants displayed Sunday night. But being on stage isn’t the only time to “Be Your Best Self,” as the Junior Miss motto encourages. Allison didn’t put on a show for the judges; she simply let the light shine that comes from knowing God loves her, and she exuded confidence and capability.

Allison says, “Being a Christian doesn’t mean you will always come out as number one. But even when you’re disappointed, you can rely on God’s comfort and plan for your life.”

Shine on in the state competition, Al!
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